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    Friday, April 27, 2007


    Friday, April 27, 2007
    Someone just reminded me that I pay $20 for broadband every month. So must fully utilise this, especially when the high usage user is busying watching "Survivor"
    Pictures quite blur though. Can't expect too much from a Nokia 6280

    The weird tasting fish @ Lao Beijing

    A strange mob I saw on my way home 1 night after lesson.
    Mum told me it's a kind of ritual for seeking fortune or something like hat.
    The group consists of ah lians & ah bengs lor... so freaky to see that in the night.
    i thought is 7th mth lor. Choy!

    The late amazing goldfish of Dad who can swim speedily upside down. it was so overweight that it cldn't flipped itself the right way back. obviously, it passed away shortly.

    @ Maur

    Sony Ericsson ad in the form of cd case found in the letter box. All i can say is outdated idea.
    Did a lit project 9 years ago using this concept. Remembered there was a nasty incident when other group complained that we took their idea. We did in fact, or to be exact, Shirxxxx insisted & even refuted that it was 'coincidence'. See... even my secondary school life was so ugly...

    On a happier note: Botak Jones @ Clementi Look good right?! The portion is 喂猪 one!!!

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