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    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    What movie genre are you?

    Sunday, October 21, 2007
    Ever since Qi went back to at Hall 9, we get her updates via her blog. The way she MAGNIFYs little things of her daily life and put it across in such amusing, comical, entertaining, hilarious, humdinger, humorous, hysterical, laughable, ludicrous, merry, mirthful, playful, ridiculous, silly, slapstick, sportive, waggish, whimsical, witty manner.

    Come on, it's obviously a Grade B picture!

    We were discussing this topic last night over a box of Hor Fun, French Fries & 天涯侠医... a very cosy night without Dad, Mum & MinMin. We officially conclude mine is Independent (aka indie or amateur), avant-garde, experimental-underground films (usually low-budget), art-house, not many will understand kind of films. Hah!

    It's amazing how 2 sisters of the same heritage, blood group, birthday month, up-bringing environment can be so different in terms of personality.

    She is a typical sunshine, bubbly, big-eyed, ''i'm fat but i'm happy, none of your business'' & "everybody can be my friend" type of ''adorable' person.
    Me, contrastingly, is those Attitude, Bo-Chup, darked face, "Don't mess with me, get lost" & "almost everyone is an eyesore", paranoid, suspicion, secretive, unfriendly, insecure, act cool, 欠扁 person. (guess no one can put myself down like that, hah!)

    Qi mentioned that I'm actually quite funny at home, just that i don't bother to blog them or even think about them. I just mentioned & forget. True enough, probably i feel quite more at ease in familiar environment. Somehow, i just cant be myself outside. I find it quite stifled or suffocated, even with friends. Aiya, i think i'm just hermit, simply cant get use to those innate societal competitive, juxtaposition nature. Something along the line of an arty-fartsy person but no talent of any type! hahah...

    Our blogging style speaks loudly of this. While she optimistically narrate occurences, small talk or 'freak accidents", i jot down the happenings & the after thoughts that triggered.

    Simply put, She muse & ideate; I intellectualize & languished .

    How different are we?
    Both of us are going to blog about same thing. While mine digress into some personality analysis with some black humour of self-mockery, we see for hers*. =)

    * entry not up yet.

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