work my way upwards, plunge myself downwards in split seconds, dangle for a while, slowly climb up and the cycle continues...
i'm currently climbing up...
series of coincidences recently...
was thinking of getting a MP3 for the longest time, on-off desire but after a series of meeting whacky ppl ard me (saw an uncle making expletives at a bus stop billboard featuring Team Singapore), i tot i really need one to distract myself from the envt. Then got a mail from jun saying she got lobang for MP3. Great! save myself from the crowd or make pressured-purchase.
was telling qi maybe we shld use the bookstores vouchers to get HP6 & 7. few days later in the middle of a mj game, ting called to say she saw HP6 at 2ndhand bkstore at thomson, so got her to help me get it. Wonderful!
I 'spring-cleaned' my work desk ytd, literary flipped the whole table n thrashing out old stuffs. Some will know i got this fetish of packing (ting will nod her head vigourously i think, got tramautised by me last taiwan trip). anyway... my boss is one of those 'dunnos' as he kept giving me that raised-brows side looks from his table. I DO look like im packing to leave for good. LOL
anyway during qi's job searching period, i make a mental note to update my resume in case of any sudden opportunity and it came... jun's lobang. going give a shot n try not to embarrass jun in the process...
i got pressured-purchased by the beauticians... so it's facial for me.?!!! can u imagine? let's see if I look more radiant after the whole thing...
Why is that I need to spend $ when i'm at the poorest or is it that the spendings make me poor?
haizzz.... absence of 1 mth pay is enough to get myself in a pathetic position.... i still got 2 more instalments to go for sch fees... die.. must restrain myself from unneccessay expeditures now on.
PS: this is creepy man... i was thinking to myself of asking couz S abt my fyp and she suddenly MSN me out of the blue. another coincidence?!
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