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    Sunday, May 13, 2007


    Sunday, May 13, 2007
    Found this name character book yesterday. Did a list up for reference.
    But i think this one is not that accurate. It has limited vocabulary leh, using the same phrase over & over again. Also, those it mentioned for my parents is also not very correct. Say my mum should be a slim lady, where got?! Hahaa...
    I think the other book, , more accurate. Will load that one up when i'm free coz' that one is all in 繁体. Will type until siao i think. I already got a hard time with those below. The 苏 & the 丽, wha lau... look until i blur. ahahah...
    Anyway, just for entertainment only. Don't take it too seriously , ok?!

    林:(火 -8)一生平凡清雅多才肯作肯劳重义信用,中年劳,晚年吉祥。

    思:(金 -9)有才能理智,勤俭励业,家声克振,名利双收,晚年劳神。

    佳 :(木 -8)勤俭建业,家声克振温和多才,中年成功,晚年劳神,欠子之字。

    林:(火 -8)一生平凡清雅多才肯作肯劳重义信用,中年劳,晚年吉祥。

    思:(金 -9)有才能理智,勤俭励业,家声克振,名利双收,晚年劳神。

    琪: (木 -12)智勇双全,清雅荣贵,官运旺中年成功隆昌清秀之字。

    林:(火 -8)一生平凡清雅多才肯作肯劳重义信用,中年劳,晚年吉祥。

    思:(金 -9)有才能理智,勤俭励业,家声克振,名利双收,晚年劳神。

    敏:(水 -11)有爱情厄小心,多才温和,清雅荣贵出国之格,劳神之字。

    苏 :(金 – 20- 繁体)天生聪明,多才贤能中年劳或奔波晚年吉祥隆昌。

    慧:(水 -15)聪明伶俐,清雅温和,中年劳或爱情厄,晚年吉祥。

    婷:(火 -12)温和贤淑,口快心直多才清雅,中年隆昌一生安详,福寿之字。

    陈:(火- 11- 繁体)口快性刚,清雅多才,中年劳苦,晚年隆昌。

    丽:(火-19 –繁体)清秀多才妻贤子贵中年平晚年吉祥,女人小心爱情厄忌车怕水。

    玲:(火 -9)清秀巧妙,多才又能,中年成功隆昌但有爱情厄,出国之字。

    林:(火 -8)一生平凡清雅多才肯作肯劳重义信用,中年劳,晚年吉祥。

    姿:(金 -9)秀气巧妙,贤能晓事,温和伶俐,成功隆昌幸福。

    君:(木 -7)有爱情烦恼,一生清雅多才巧智,秀气伶俐中年有灾厄晚年吉庆。

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