I just want to clear 3yrs to get qualifications, as simple as that. Guess, it's just wishful thinking on my part.
it's almost like battling, less physical more mental. On top of the load of tutorials to clear & the occurence of exams 3x a year with a on-going job, I still have to handle some people's imaturity, under table schemes & plots, hypocrisy & even tactlessness.
I assume that as compared to full time, there will be more intellecutals around. Come to think about it now - What a JOke!
it's like back to primary school.. .
i know there's something wrong with me, in terms of socialising. Weird, odd, strange... whatever..
I never find ' to blend with the majority' an essential... judging from the number of friends which i can count with 1 hand, it has always been like this. Making small chats is a tedious task to me, i rather kiss a python.
I keep a low profile, quiet, independent, satisfy on being alone or even aloof . Yet there are just some stupid pple that like to magnify my abnormality ( yah.. i agree im not normal)
Does my oddity really affect you so much? or just plain envy that i'm what u can't?!
What's strange is the amount of phone calls, sms and emails i always get around exam periods. When Ppl who normally whisper behind your back suddenly come up to you with a bright chripy smile, u know something is not right. " Jacq, want to go makan? Jacq, want to go home together? " Before u know it, " Jacq, u finish this qn aldy? Can i read ur ans? How u write ar? want to swap ans? "
i pui pui pui pui pui... *roll my eyes*
Instead of focusing on the lessons, i've to crack my brain to taiji all these idiots away, act real stupid n blur & timing my exits to avoid all this pests! TMD... Wah Kaozzz... this is more tiring than the lesson itself!
this is Crazy!!! Seriously... u ppl should really get a life..
start by reading the newspaper & oberve what's around u.
Public display of ignorance is just not cool, i tell ya.
I think im weird because i'm more sane than them...
I remained unperturbed but trust me, no one day has past w/o me thinking of throwing a chair at ....
16 more months...