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    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    Lousy week..

    Wednesday, August 29, 2007
    This is officially the lousiest week this year...

    Yes i know it's only wednesday. PRECISELY! I wonder how bad it can get.

    I have this urge to take a week of unpaid leave. Drop everything behind & get out of SG.

    I need to some fresh air for my 1mth blocked nose.

    New envt to re-stimulate my senses!

    Frustrating week.

    Even the sight of the pay check doesn't seem to excite me.

    I need to do something abt this. I burnt mentally.

    The Batam trip was something I needed but it didn't work out sadly.

    Getaway.. getaway..getaway..getaway..getaway..

    Where can I go?

    Psst: Teachers' Day ard the corner.

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Excuse me.. I just need to

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007






    Better? I hope. Off to bed... Nitez!

    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Shitty Monday...

    Monday, August 27, 2007
    Today is a day where the right things can go wrong and the wrong things can worse!

    Shit... I think Qi is correct. Sometimes i'm so blind & deaf that it's ridiculous.

    Subconsciously I just see things the way I want it to be, the easier way out of course.

    Atmosphere is very wrong at office today. . . sianzzz.

    First i raised my voice slightly at my Boss! cos he couldn't tell me properly what he wanted & i got a little frustrated.

    Next, i got Lady Boss to rip of the original packaging of an item that was WRONG!

    The whistles came in Black colour but I just see it as OLIVE DRAB. I don't really know the correct shade but i know it was greenish. I just make myself believe the Black was Green.

    How smart!

    Were having discussion regarding the presentation for monday after tutorial last sat, seems like JS doesn't seem to get our plan. I told her to verbalise her answers during presentation becos I might not have the time to input her answer in to the ppt. I have no idea what time she figured out how to do & we only have 1 day. Judging from past experienceS, she never get any work done & Plus, I have the close-to-perfect answers.
    i'm not bragging but it's really simple. But she keep insisting that she will sent the answers to me on sun.
    Ok anything... when N asked me what's wrong with her on our way out?
    I just blurted " i think she just wants her answer in the slides?!" without realising she is just behind me.
    O well, what's new right? Aiya, don't care. Anyway I won't see her after this term.
    I always commit Social Suicide like that... reason why I can count the no. of friends with one hand.
    Ha ha Ha... Sigh....

    I'm such a hopeless Klutz...

    Speaking of friends...

    Hello girls.... Hope u are all doing ok. Busy month for everyone i can see. Do update your blogs!

    Jun: Sorry to hear that you have to give Rusty boy away... No choice lah, Life has a way.

    Ting: Say "hi" to Cuppie, Prince & YY to me. Haha.. Ops.. YY sounds like a pet here. Hee =)

    Leng: Focus on your work & don't think of guys too often ar! Haha! Fixed a date for pedi!

    Irene: Sorry Ms Nai, gotta bangsei you. Next time ya!

    HY: I know you don't read this but I'm still want to say this: A55Hole, return my book hor! Almost a year liao lor, Auto a bit can?! !@#$%^&*

    Take Care people, Take care Sistas, Take Care Me =)

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    Operation 8585

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007
    After an impromptu/spontaneous/impulsive decision made on msn,
    i'm now embarking on a secretive & interesting observation/experiment/study...
    OPERATION 8585
    DEADLine: 21st Sep 2007
    Sidenote: Chances are not very hopeful for me... shit.
    Side Sidenote: Nope... it's not a re-production of 881. =)

    Monday, August 20, 2007


    Monday, August 20, 2007
    每年农历七月十五日为“盂兰盆节”,道教称“中元节”,俗称“鬼节”,是佛徒举行“盂兰盆会”的日子。盂兰盆,即梵文 UI-Lambana 的音译,意思是“救倒悬”。盂兰盆会来源于目莲解救母厄的故事:

    在记忆里,每年这个月的一天,家里一定会沸沸腾腾, 犹如新年。请亲戚到家里来做客,是老爸一向的惯例 。小时,就会乘机跟堂/表兄弟姐妹们游戏,玩得不亦乐乎。祖母在世时,姑妈们也会来顺便庆祝她的生日。

    在厨房里久了,看到和听到的东西也就多了。有时,我真想不通为什么老爸老妈要这样‘虐待’自己。花了这么多钱,时间,精力,就为了‘传统’?! 看着客人的吃法,不仅让我觉得所谓的‘Hungry Ghost’ 指的是不是这些人。哈哈!爸妈的厨艺高超,这一点是肯定的。不过,有时,他们也太捧场了吧?虽然客人是请来的,但是我还是很难对他们有善。 不是我自称高贵,他们蛮粗俗的言行举止常常让我倒胃口,翻白眼,目瞪口呆,难以置信。

    今年,老妈的手受伤不方便。所以一切从简。他们好像不习惯,一直放心不,我必须得一再强调,‘吃完就算了!!!’结果,最让我受不了的是他们好意! 虽然能了解他们出至一番好心,但是也太乱了吧。搞不清状况不要再那里七嘴八舌的, 搞到我和老姐差一点精神分裂。没办法,谁叫总舵主变成‘Captain Hook’ ?!


    Q: 你在几年级?
    Q: 你在几年级?
    Q: 读哪里?
    Q: 读哪里?
    Q: 读哪里?
    Q: 读哪间?
    Q: 做工?读书?
    Q: 做设么工?
    Q: 做设么工?

    what the... =_='''

    Monday, August 06, 2007

    Paradox of Life

    Monday, August 06, 2007
    Now i understand why people change...

    The societal forces are simply too compelling to resist.

    I've seen too many people tearing themselves apart just to blend in with the rest.

    To integrate in the hippie-yuppie lifestyle, end up Chucking up tons of credit cards bills, get entangled in various relationships problems, etc...

    FEAR is the key word.

    We are just too afraid to be different yet we want to stand out from the rest.

    Paradoxical isn't it.

    We end up "Being different in the same way".

    Human Beings are Complicated.

    As a result, it became so difficult & 'odd-ball' to live your own life. It requires great courage to Be Yourself.

    To those who achieved & managed their Life - I salute you.

    How many of us really know what we want?

    Right & Left

    By right,

    I should be feeling rejuvenated & refreshed from a splendid getaway, with shiok massage & great chillout & probably donuts too?!

    By left,

    I spent my saturday morning torturing my body @ ABT, accompany mum to Sun Plaza. Rot the rest of the evenings with Korean movies & HK drama.
    Sunday went for the NIKE Warehouse Sale @ Wingtai with Sis, leng & Rod. Got a couple of stuff, not at a fantastic great bargain but not too bad at least.
    It'll be better with less squabbles between those 2.
    Sis chose to plug in her MP3 - 耳不听为净。
    I just turn my head away - 眼不见为净。

    Diaozzz... he is out of your jurisdiction liao lor. Why keep picking a fight?!
    I don't understand women. Nothing to say.

    Wanted to get a watch but with sooooo many opinions around, I is stressssssss.

    No holiday...

    Wore the cracked watch today...

    School starts today... maybe that is better.

    I is sianzzzzzz =(